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Deflate the Bounce House in 3 Simple Steps

Bounce houses are increasing in demand as a fun element for kids in such children parties. It is known for its safe, big, and, bouncy quality that offers kids a room to play without any supervision.
Nowadays, it is easily available in both the conditions whether you need to purchase or rent out. There is no offense that kids love the bounce houses, but on the other hand, properly taking care of these giant and bouncy play tools is also an important part.
Turn off the blower, fold and zip it. Sounds easy right? But actually, deflating a bounce house properly without any guidance seems a tough task.
Not to worry, when you can do it in three simple steps that will help you to deflate your bounce house without damaging it.

First Step: Bounce House Cleaning

Proper cleaning of your bounce house before deflating can help you to prevent it from damage. Before you turn off the blower, you have to check the bounce house properly from outside as well as inside. Make sure that there were no sharp elements including pin, pencil, and other foreign objects that can puncture it.
Moreover, if you want to give your bounce house a clean and tidy look then you can start with the deep cleaning process.

Second Step

Deflate the Bounce House
After the cleansing of the bounce house, letâ™s move on to the next step where you need to turn off the blower and safely disconnect it. Once it is done you need to unzip the deflation zippers in order to swift up the whole process.
It will take few seconds to deflate the bounce house completely. After that, search out the areas which contain some air and walk onto gently on it. It is a good trick to pressing out all the air from the unit.

Third Step: Fold and Roll it up

After removing all the air from the bounce house you need to start folding it. The folding technique also has some variation, here you need to keep the outside boundaries to inward and bottom side of the bounce house down. Now fold it in a way as you fold a sheet, if there is still some air left in then again walk on it after the fold.
Now simply roll the folded unit as you role a sleeping bag, in this method you need to keep pushing the air out, now tuck the folded unit into the defeating tube. Here, the process to deflate the bounce house has been completed. For keeping it safe, you can also contain it into a bag.


The popularity of bounce houses has been increasing over a decade, as a result, there are a number of options are available in the market according to the requirement of their customers.
People prefer indoor bounce houses for their kids but found difficulty in deflating it properly. With these simple steps given above, you will be able to deflate your bounce house easily with care.

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